Thema: Continuous ‚Everything‘

How to augment automation for non-functional testing by using cloud services

Self-organizing agile teams and continuous deployment are no longer a vision. This has also transformed the way we think about and approach testing, as more and more tests are automated and executed continuously within the build pipeline.

As a company-internal enabler and supporter of testing activities, we have several of these self-organized teams as our "customers". We have witnessed first -hand that they have become really good in automating their functional testing and having these tests executed continuously for every build of their software. However, it is the non -functional area of testing where they are constantly looking for support, as this kind of test gains relevance, especially for the Internet of Things.

Within this talk, I would like to share with you how we make use of cloud service offerings like Amazon Web Services, to facilitate non-functional testing. I will demonstrate how we use infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) to create on-demand test beds that fit their intended test target. You will see how this enables a more agile and continuous approach to automated tests in general. This benefit, of course, applies to both sides: the software development teams as well as our team of test experts.
As IaaS is only one aspect of cloud services, I would like to sketch the integration of further services and their potential to augment our test automation even further. This includes the usage of serverless technologies, like AWS Lambda, for reporting purposes.

Felix Elliger

Felix Elliger ist Senior System Engineer im Bereich Testing bei der Bosch Software Innovations GmbH.

Nach seinem Studium im Bereich IT Systems Engineering am Hasso -Plattner-Institut, startete er seine Karriere als Java Software-Entwickler ehe er 2012 Teil des Test Teams wurde. Felix verfügt über Expertise im Bereich Testautomatisierung und die Integration automatisierter Tests in agile Entwicklunsprozesse.
In den letzten 3 Jahren lag der Schwerpunkt vor allem auf der Nutzung cloud -basierter Technologien zur Automatisierung von Tests. Dies geschieht stets mit dem Ziel Entwicklungsteams Ansätze und Lösungen an die Hand zu geben, um ihre Testprozesse zu verbessern.

Seine Erfahrung mit Testing, Testautomatisierung und agilen Transformationen teilt er gern auf Konferenzen.